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Saddlery is the trade of making and fitting leather horse equipment. It includes harness, bridles, saddles and stirrups. It also includes the repair and restoration of such items. This is a fairly ancient craft.

The main types of saddles are equestrian, hunting and side-saddles. Saddles vary in price. Prices depend on brand, material and whether the saddle is custom made or manufactured. Custom-made ones cost more.

A riding saddle is composed of a pommel, a projection that fits over the withers, a ground seat, and a cantle. All are constructed from leather and metal fittings. They can be fashioned from leather, steel, aluminium, fibreglass, or wool. However, the most common materials for the production of saddles are cowhide and canvas.

The ground seat is a six-layer structure, which is shaped after drying. The length and shape of the panels are a determining factor in the sizing of a saddle. Most saddles come in cob size, but oversize models are available.

The cantle is a round-headed projecting part of the saddle. Square-ended cantles are used for hunting, while polo and roper saddles use round-ended cantles. Regardless of the type of saddle you purchase, it should be tried on before you purchase it.

Generally, a saddler’s work is done by hand. Saddle makers can tan their own leather or buy it from a tannery. To ensure that the saddle fits, it is essential that each part of the saddle is precisely placed.

The making of saddles has evolved over the centuries. The best saddles are made to fit the needs of the rider. For instance, a jousting saddle will be designed to fit the exact shape of the jouster’s body. Likewise, a jumping saddle will be designed to fit the curve of the jumper’s sag.

Many saddle makers use fancy machinery to speed up the process of making a saddle. Fancy machinery allows the makers to produce more saddles more quickly. In order to be a good saddler, the person must have spent at least seven years working in the saddle making trade.

A tack shop is usually a saddlery store. These shops sell leather horse equipment such as bridles, saddles, and halters. Tack can be made of materials such as beech wood, aluminum, fibreglass, and even plastic. Depending on the brand of the tack, the prices can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

If you’re looking for an affordable option, check out a lower priced saddle. Although you may not have the budget for a custom-made one, a cheaper-priced saddle can be a great starting point. You can usually return non-custom items in their original packaging.

It’s important to choose a good quality saddle that will last you a long time. The best ones are designed to fit the horse’s size, shape, and needs. Moreover, the saddle will have a comfortable and stable feel for the rider.

Saddles are a popular item for equestrians. A saddle can be used for a variety of activities, including racing, polo, and even horse-showing.